About all things house and home.

Inside Out
Brace yourself, I’m on a bumpy ride and if you read this, you’re coming with me.
Sleep, Interrupted Part 3 (Back to Life)
Even though I’m frustrated by my limitations, this experience has given me a new and profound appreciation for the ability to do all the mundane things that go into making life happen.

Something About Apples and the Tree They Fell From
Am I interrupting my series on insomnia to interject a Father’s Day post? Yes, yes I am. It’s my janky little blog and I can do what I want with it.
Sleep, Interrupted Part 2 (Breaking the Cycle)
***Disclaimer*** I’m not a doctor and I don’t play one on TV. I didn’t even play “doctor” as a kid. So, please, don’t take anything I say as sound, medical advice. The following is just my own experience of what worked for me.
Sleep, Interrupted Part 1 (How the Insomnia Started and What Didn’t Help)
Even though it has nothing to do with the usual content of this blog, I want to pass along everything that has helped me cope with and (for the most part) overcome insomnia.

Amazing Eggs
Alright, so why “amazing eggs?” Am I some narcissist who thinks they make the best scrambled eggs ever? Nope.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind
I don’t really recommend winging carpentry the way I do. It might take me longer to get there, but I get there more happily.

Cranky, Reluctant, Begrudging Gratitude
Bridget Phetasy is making me write a gratitude list. Pen to paper, later typed for blog purposes. Ok, she isn’t making me, I’m just heeding her no nonsense advice.

So. Much. Purple
If I ever wanted to enjoy surrounding myself with uber feminine decor, it was time to act.
How’s It Hangin’?
A quick trip to Walmart supplied magnetic tape and velcro. This will all make sense eventually, I promise.

I’ve made real stroganoff and it’s amazing. Unfortunately, it requires a lot of time and effort - resources I don’t want to expend when I’m in need of comfort.

Designing around Doors Galore
After months of half-heartedly playing with layouts on graph paper, I finally came up with a plan.

Just a Sad, Little Cabinet Door - Or Is It?
I went to the Habitat for Humanity Resale store in search of inspiration and was delighted to find this battered and beaten cabinet door.

Making an Entrance
I borrowed a jackhammer from a friend, blasted “You Can’t Stop Me” by Andy Mineo about five times, then dove in.

Please Be Seated
Here’s the great thing about a trend you just can’t get on board with: eventually, it will go away. If something about my home isn’t trendy at the moment, I opt to think it’s just ahead of the curve rather than out of style.

Thrift and Consequences
My obsession with thrift was going to cost me more time than I had bargained for.

RepairVite Challenge, Part 1
Ok, so my naturopath never called this a challenge when she put me on a 21-day RepairVite cleanse. I had to call it that to make myself feel more excited about being on a super restrictive protocol even though I don’t have any food or gut issues that needed to be addressed. Yep, still feeling salty about that.