About all things house and home.
Surprise on the Side
Slow and sporadic wins the participation trophy. And, by George, I earned that participation trophy.
Looking Back (Waaaay Back)
If you didn’t look this cheesy in the ‘80s, you weren’t doing it right.
Building Bookends with Lindsey Stirling
Staging them isn’t a required part of the process, but it makes me ridiculously happy to see the final product fulfilling its purpose.
Sneaky Cookies
You know how we roll on this blog when it comes to pre-recipe chitchat, so let’s dive right in.
The Cutest Seat in the House
For most of today’s post, we’ll be hanging out in my disaster of a garage. This is the trigger warning for all you neat freaks; I cannot be held liable for any trauma you may incur upon viewing these images.
A Great Console-ation
Come to think of it, if I had just saved the money I spent on gas looking for this thing, maybe I could have bought a new one.
All Good Things Take Time
Give yourself the freedom to take some time when you’re putting together a room and be open to going through several iterations. If it’s not exactly what you envisioned, that’s ok – you’ll be closer to what you want than when you started.
Simple Fajita Chicken Bake
I had completely forgotten about this recipe. It was T minus two days until my sister and her family would arrive for an 8-day visit and I was scrambling for meals that would feed 6 adult-sized humans.
Experiments in Flow Art, Part 3 (Video)
If I were a single lady, I would totally pink out my house, but out of respect for my Bear, I’ll relegate my pink obsession to art made for other people’s homes.
Experiments in Flow Art, Part 2 (Video)
I was thrilled when I asked my Bear if the painting reminded him of anything and he actually said, “A sunrise.” There was definitely a happy dance involved.
Experiments in Flow Art, Part 1 (Video)
I learned that I sing when I’m nervous, as opposed to speaking like a normal person.
Lazy Burrito Filling
All the blah blah blah that comes before the recipe on most cooking blogs drives me nuts, so let’s put that at the end and cut to the chase, shall we? All you need is 5 ingredients (well, 6 if you count water) and 15 minutes.
Cheer Up, Little Chair
In my mind’s eye, I see this staged with a tray full of spa inspired goodies. But let’s be honest, it’s probably going to end up covered in dust and clothes.
Oasis Redux
I know, the early 2000s called and want their trend back. I don’t care - I’m keeping it.