Experiments in Flow Art, Part 1 (Video)

“People love videos! You should make videos,” said one of my most ardent supporters about three months into this rollercoaster of a venture. You have her to thank or blame for what you’re about to see.

Acrylic pours are so popular partly because you can’t mess them up – I did and there was still a way to fix it, with beautiful results.


The only downside to the flip cup method is that there is. So. Much. Paint. Left. Over. I couldn’t cope with the sad puddle of paint sitting there on the drop cloth, so I smooshed another canvas into it and played with it until I got a result I liked. Oddly enough, this was really more of what I had in mind all along. I love how it actually looks like shallow waves washing up on a beach.


And just for a little behind-the-scenes fun, I had to share a shot of what I resorted to in order to shoot the video at an angle that showed the table and canvas. Yes, those are soup cans under the tripod. And yes, I had to stand on that stool in order to set up the camera and make sure everything was lined up.


Risking messing up on a video while trying a new art form and posting it for anyone to see was totally worth it. Also, I learned that I sing when I’m nervous, as opposed to speaking like a normal person.


Experiments in Flow Art, Part 2 (Video)


Lazy Burrito Filling