Amazing Eggs


  • 4 eggs

  • 2 tbs Neufchatel cheese (or cream cheese)

  • A splash of milk - maybe 1 tbsp?

  • Salt and pepper


  1. Whisk the eggs and milk together.

  2. Cut cheese into small cubes, about 1/2 and inch on both sides (I’ve never measured, and you don’t have to either, just make them small)

  3. Combine the cheese with the eggs and cook over low heat for about 15 minutes. More on “low and slow” in a minute.

  4. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.


Alright, so why “amazing eggs?” Am I some narcissist who thinks they make the best scrambled eggs ever? Nope. This is what the Bear calls them. We got married while he was still in college and he went from horrible powdered dorm cafeteria eggs to having a wife who made breakfast for him. He was highly skeptical when I suggested scrambled eggs for breakfast one morning because he was so burned out after his experience with something that came out of a box labelled Egg Product. “But you haven’t had eggs the way my mom taught me to make them,” I countered in an attempt to alleviate his concern. My mom picked this method up when she lived in France and, let’s face it, the French just do food better.

One of my roommates had a similar response the first time I made this for her. She, too, was over scrambled eggs after living that dorm life. “This is what I always thought scrambled eggs should taste like!” was her assessment upon trying them.

About that whole “low and slow” cooking method. I noticed that whenever I made this for my roommates or friends, they would always turn the burner down if they were in the kitchen and it would always turn out better than when I made it for myself. Eventually, I put two and two together. As with so many things in cooking, low and slow leads to a better result.


Sleep, Interrupted Part 1 (How the Insomnia Started and What Didn’t Help)


Out of Sight, Out of Mind